We are back again with our resident digital marketing experts Edwin Contreras and Adam Hazlett! This week, the two are discussing what a business owner can expect to get out of a relationship with an agency or marketer, and the hard questions you need to ask yourself to land the best possible marketing campaigns for your unique business. Working with a team that understands your business and your long-term goals will drastically affect your campaign’s success.
“How many times have we come into a customer’s life or a business, and they purchased something just because it was the right price, or because it was quote-unquote in their budget, or because it was reduced, or was something that was driven solely by a number as opposed to, is it actually doing the things that you want to do long-term?”
The Times Media Company is here to help you achieve all of your marketing goals. Our team of experts is ready to guide you through your options and help drive your bottom line. Reach out today!